Privacy Policy
With The Gaming Review currently not allowing signups, and all comments on the site being on a per-comment basis we don’t store all that much data about our visitors. There are, however, some occasions when some data will be held:
- We may ask you for certain information and you may submit personal data to (such as your name, email address and contact details) when you contact us or enter our competitions.
- We may also record which parts of the site our visitors use. This information is stored securely on the TGR servers hosted by Veloxserv, and contains no personal information.
- We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. On these rare occasions (like if you win a competition), data will be securely deleted immediately after use in accordance with GDPR the Data Protection Act.
- If you believe we have information about you that you do not want The Gaming Review to have or that is incorrect, please contact us as described below and we shall correct or remove the data as you request as soon as is possible.
- If you have any other concerns over privacy, this privacy policy or this site please contact us as described below.
- All email and other communications sent by The Gaming Review and the attachments included within are intended only for the addressee and/or others authorised to receive them.
The Gaming Review allows users to comment on articles without the need to sign up to the site first. The Gaming Review is not responsible for comments posted on the site by our readers. We will however attempt to remove or edit posts which are deemed to contain racist or homophobic remarks, personal abuse, libel, copyrighted material, excessive swearing and references to illegal activities including pirating software.
Users who repeatedly post inappropriate comments will have their computer’s IP address blocked from the site, although we will generally provide suitable warnings before this takes place.
If you have any questions about this policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with The Gaming Review, you can contact us at: privacy <<at >>
This policy is subject to change, and the latest version will always be considered when dealing with a request regarding any part of the above policy.