Some massive releases into April are probably taking up all your time, but if not then there’s a decent lineup this month to keep you busy – take a look and see what you’ll be grabbing over the course of May:
Beyond: Two Souls (PS4) – David Cage’s narrative hit featuring Ellen Page arrives on PSN Plus, if you’re into decision driven story games then this is for you. We reviewed the PS3 version a while back.
Rayman Legends (PS4) – Ubisoft returns to 2D platforming and shows the world what they’ve been missing while messing about in a third dimension. Looks amazing, plays brilliantly. Again, one we reviewed ages ago and loved.
Risen 3: Titan Lords (PS3) – the sequel to Risen 2 (obviously) you play a “Nameless Hero” who goes to seek some treasure and fight back the Shadows.
Eat Them! (PS3) – a cell shaded city smasher-upper as you play a big monster and eat things.
King Oddball (PS Vita, Cross-Buy with PS3 and PS4) – using just your, err, tongue you must smash stuff up. By launching yourself. Yep, it’s weird.
Furmins (PS Vita) – physics-based puzzle game which you may have also played on iOS. Cute.
Super Mega Baseball 2 (Xbox One, May 1-31) – the first was decent so expect bit sized baseball fun with this title.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Xbox One, May 16-June 15) – epic ‘final’ game in the Metal Gear Solid saga. I can’t quite express how good this is. Open world stealth action, brilliant story, loads going on. Just excellent, as you’ll see in our review.
Streets of Rage (Xbox One & Xbox 360, May 1-15) – all three Streets of Rage games appear in this collection. Are they as good as you remember? Your chance to find out.
Vanquish (Xbox One & Xbox 360, May 16-31) – fast-paced cover shooter set in a futuristic world. After a few mins, it’s easy to see what a cult fanbase rave about this game.
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