Very exciting news: Ubisoft announced the Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier multiplayer beta will run from April 19th until May 2nd for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation3.
In the multiplayer beta, up to twelve simultaneous players will have the opportunity to choose from three classes (Rifleman, Engineer and Scout) and experience the intense adversarial online action in two different modes:
- Players battle to complete objectives located throughout the map and earn points, the team with the most points at the end of the round wins
- Game session: 1 round of 15 minutes
Saboteur (available starting April 26th)
- A bomb spawns in a central location, both teams compete to retrieve the bomb and be the first to detonate it at the opposing team’s base
- Game session: 1 round of 10 minutes
Both modes will be playable on two different maps (Pipeline and Mill).
Fancy getting your hands on the beta? Well good news: the beta can be accessed in the following ways:
- Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction Owners (on the 360) can access the beta directly through the game
- Pre-order Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on Xbox 360 and receive a Xbox 360 beta key
- Also, look out for additional key giveaways online
Additionally, Ubisoft announced Ghost Recon Network, a free companion service that will support all Ghost Recon titles moving forward. Accessible from smartphones, tablets, and web browsers, Ghost Recon Network will allow players to interact with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier & upcoming Ghost Recon games anywhere at any time. The Ghost Recon Network site (www.ghostrecon.com/network) and v1.0 iOS & Android apps will launch with Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on May 25. Players in the multiplayer beta will have the opportunity to try specific features of the Ghost Recon Network website and get their hands on the Android mobile app – both of which are in beta stage.
Ghost Recon Network Key Features:
Customize and share in-game weapons on the go
- Use GunSmith mobile to customize weapons down to their inner parts in 3D and sync them to consoles
- Publish weapons to the GunSmith Gallery and browse guns posted by the Ghost Recon Network community
Track player history and friends’ in-game status
- Access personal player performance on Ghost Recon: Future Soldier & upcoming Ghost Recon games and compare stats on leaderboards
- Receive challenges, friend activity reports and community updates via the website or push notifications on smartphones and tablets
Receive exclusive rewards
- Download the free Ghost Recon Network app at launch to unlock additional attachment credits in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- Earn weapons and weapon skins in Ghost Recon: Future Soldier by playing other Ghost Recon games or interacting with other Ghost Recon experiences
Become a better player
- Study detailed game information and heatmaps to prepare for the next battle
- Build and manage your squad, add recruits and search for competing squads
I love Tom Clancy games, but for me the multiplayer (except Vegas) has always been mediocre. I really hope this new installment makes a dent in the military fps genre. It has some juggernauts it has to compete with, but if it brings something to the table that hasn’t been done (at least that well) before we could have a hit on our hands.
Being able to study in game information sounds pretty interesting. Surprised more titles don’t include that type of information to its gamers.
Looking forward to this release.
I found the multiplayer on GRAW2 to be nothing short of excellent, I spent a lot of hours with friends on the co-op stuff. I think I’m looking forward to that more than anything else in Future Soldier.
future soldier really is completely crazy. I managed to get a beta key download 😀