The Book of Unwritten Tales is a point and click adventure game from development house King Art Games. This style of game seems to be making a huge comeback on the PC as there have been so many indie adventure games released in the past few months, but so far The Book of Unwritten Tales stands out head and shoulders above the rest from both a gameplay and visual point of view. From the start of the game you can see that a lot of love and care has gone into the game which really helps you get right into the game, and when you do you are in for a really great ride.
When you start this tale of high adventure in this fantastic world, it’s a roller-coaster ride. As you play through the game you will be given control of 4 characters, each with their own entertaining areas of adventure and puzzles to solve, and let me tell you some of them are very hard, but nevertheless I carried on having much fun in the process. There are so many things to take in as you play the game, including lots of references to films and many other things which really adds to the game as well. There are so many facets to this game that make it great.
As with any good adventure game there are a few things needed to make it good, one is puzzles and there are loads of puzzles in the game which will keep you thinking for ages, while others will be so simple it makes you think that you’re not such a noob, but then comes another, BANG! A huge puzzle which brings you back down to earth with a thump. The next is the quality of the voice actors and again they are outstanding. With some adventure games they can sound robotic and you can tell they are reading off a sheet and sound half-arsed, none of this can be found in The Book of Unwritten Tales, they really sound like they are real characters and that you are interacting with them in a real street. To go along with the voice acting is the soundtrack, which I have to say is very fitting for the fantasy setting The Book of Unwritten Tales is in, I was very impressed with how far the bar has been lifted.
The next thing is the interface, most point and click adventure games have a tried and tested interface which they keep with, but with The Book of Unwritten Tales they have changed a few things and I have to say it really works. One of the biggest things is the use of the space bar which highlights the things that you can be interactive with, which you may think is a bad thing and would help you solve puzzles faster but it doesn’t, it just makes it even harder because you can see what you have to do, you just need to do it in the right order. It also stops you clicking all over the screen to find things of interest. We have all been there randomly clicking all over the place hoping to find that small item which will help you move one, this just helps to focus that. Your inventory is at the bottom of the screen, which you can mouse over and it appears, you can then click on an item and then click on something on the screen for it to interact with.
Overall The Book of Unwritten Tales is a great game. It ticks all the boxes for a great adventure game, and kept me hooked all the way through. If you are looking for a bit of a change to your gaming then The Book of Unwritten Tales is a game worth picking up.
Reviewed on PC
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