Here’s something really cool… Defender’s Quest, PiD, Deponia, Alan Wake, and Tiny & Big are amongst 1 of 15,504 different combinations of games to choose from.
GOG.com, the digital distributor of classic, new, and indie games, is happy to once again appoint gamers as the promo-makers–that’s why the Pick 5 Promo allows gamers to pick any 5 games from a list of twenty great indies and save up to $115. These twenty fantastic titles include The Witcher, Legend of Grimrock, Puddle, Back to the Future: The Game, Sam & Max Save the World, and 15 others–7 of which are also Mac OS X-compatible–are available for the next 7 days in GOG.com’s Pick 5 Promo. Users may buy multiple sets of 5 for themselves and as gifts for friends. Some of these are multi-part games, and you’ll be getting the whole lot. Impressive…
One year ago, the Bigger, Newer, and Fresher version of GOG.com (formerly known as Good Old Games) was introduced with an updated website with new features, a new downloader, and, most importantly, indie games, newer games, day-one releases, and pre-orders. Since then, GOG.com has delivered 54 indie games, 25 day-one releases, more than 100 games on Mac, which include such titles as Legend of Grimrock, Defender’s Quest, and King’s Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY, all of which are available in this week’s promo.
Here’s the list of all games in the Pick 5 Promo:
Tiny & Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers
The Witcher: Extended Edition
A New Beginning – Final Cut
Legend of Grimrock
Chronicles of Riddick
Defender’s Quest
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare
Runaway 3
Divinity 2: Developer’s Cut
King’s Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY
Back to the Future: The Game
Alan Wake
Sam & Max Save the World
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space
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