Things are starting to get a bit nasty. With death in the air, corruption starting to show its face and too many questions left unanswered The Wolf Among Us is most definitely not an everyday fairy story. The latest episode, A Crooked Mile, lends itself to the mysterious and mostly unseen Crooked Man, who despite being in the background starts to make his mark on influencing the investigation.
Want to avoid spoilers from the first two episodes? Now would be a good time to turn round and head back to Fabletown for a while.
This episode picks up immediately after the shocking discovery of the photos which leave Crane as the top suspect of the prostitute murder. With Crane nowhere to be seen and the magic mirror smashed into several pieces it’s down to some serious detective work from Bigby to figure it all out and find out where he’s hiding out. The search for Crane ramps up the urgency with a timer showing how long you’ve got to track him down, although it soon becomes clear that the timer is built around the game events so it’s actually impossible to run out of time. Handy from a gaming perspective, but a bit of a bummer in terms of making you feel under pressure.
Along the journey this time round you’ll be meeting a couple of new faces, both vital and integral to the plot, and both giving you awkward decisions to make. Combined with the end-of-episode decision report this has huge potential to make you wonder if you did the right thing; one specific choice I made had me thinking at the time I’d totally made the right move, only to be told afterwards I was one of only 20% of players who made the same decision. Will that come back to haunt me later on? I hope so. So far it’s not clear just what these decisions are doing to help or hinder me, so I’m looking forward to future episodes going in very different directions as a result of my choices so far.
The episode maintains its shock values though, with Bigby sliding slowly from hunter to hunted, and in true Telltale style there’s a pretty hard hitting and shocking final few moments as some external forces start to tighten the screw on Bigby’s investigation methods. It’s impossible to give a full epxlanation without ruining the story, and with the plot itself being one very much worth enjoying that’s not something I’ll be doing.
And so we’re left in the knowledge that there are two episodes left to bring things to a head. With the past couple of episodes following a steady pace it seems inevitable that the closing moments of the series will pick up the pace and start to hammer home a few things that have been building over the past couple of months.
Frankly, I can’t wait.
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