No April Fool’s jokes this month, but some quality freebies instead. Take a look below, and make sure you grab anything you fancy before they get their price tags back!
Xbox One
Wolf Among Us (April 1st – 30th) – Telltale Games’ storytelling takes on a detective story take on a fairytale world. I’ve only played the first episode previously but it had great characters and I’m looking forward to the rest of this.
Sunset Overdrive (April 16th – May 15th) – Much hyped 3rd person shooter with a crazy selection of weapons blends open world and on-rails combat. A bit too style over substance for my taste but it has a serious fanbase so worth checking out.
Xbox 360 (and Xbox One backwards compatible)
Dead Space (April 1st – April 15th) – space horror classic, one of those fond gaming memories which severely impact your ability to play with the lights off. Quality game.
Saints Row IV (April 16th – April 30th) – full blown insanity, self-referential you need to leave your brain at the door for this once GTA rip off, now full blown law unto itself 3rd person open world insane-em-up.
Dead Star – debuting for free on PSN with Plus, best described as Geometry Wars with teams of 10, fighting to capture outposts and regions. It certainly looks interesting.
Zombi – a gem from the Wii U is ported to other consoles. Zombie horror FPS rogue like survival. It’s novel and a bit different, well worth a try.
PS Vita
A Virus Named Tom – a puzzle game with dark humour and some stylised animation.
Shutshimi – a randomised shoot em up about a fish with muscles and big guns. New upgrades every 10 seconds make it constantly fresh and interesting.
I Am Alive – survival game by Ubisoft. Heavily stylised, set in a dystopian future. I enjoyed looking at this more than playing it but it’s worth a shot.
Savage Moon – tower defence strategy where you must protect a remote mining facility from killer insects.
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