When playing through The Evil Within’s campaign – especially if you’re playing by yourself – every now and then it will be comforting to hear the voice of someone you recognise.
We can reveal that the game’s main protagonist, Sebastian Castellanos, is voiced by Anson Mount, known for his popular role as Cullen Bohannon’s on AMC’s Hell on Wheels. Also on your side will be the voice of Jennifer Carpenter (Officer Morgan from the TV hit Dexter) – playing the role of Sebastian’s partner, Detective Juli Kidman. For the game’s most sinister role, Academy Award nominee Jackie Earle Haley has been cast in the role of the game’s top villain, Ruvik.
Finally, the anime crowd will be familiar with the voicework for Jospeh Oda. Playing his role is Yuri Lowenthal — otherwise known as Ben in Ben 10 and also the voice of Sasuke in Naruto.
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