Happy March! Spring is nearly here, let’s see what’s free and filling up your consoles’ hard drives while the weather tries to decide what it’s playing at – another good selection this month:
Warface: Breakout (Xbox Series S|X, Xbox One, Xbox 360, available March 1 to 31) – a tactical online first-person shooter. I actually thought this was free to play anyway but apparently not.
Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse (Xbox Series S|X, Xbox One, available March 16 to April 15) – a mass llama-slaughter Roguelike-lite-ish couch co-op twin-stick top-down shooter. Also a mouthful.
Metal Slug 3 (Xbox Series S|X, Xbox One, Xbox 360, available March 1 to 15) – one of the best side-scrolling shooters ever. I love Metal Slug. I actually think I have it on just about every platform I own already, so what’s one more?
Port Royale 3 (Xbox Series S|X, Xbox One, Xbox 360, available March 16 to 31) – a business simulation pirate game. Always been intrigued by this series.
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4) – for clarity, this is the PS4 version which also plays on the PS5, but is not eligible for the free upgrade to the native PS5 version unless you already own the PS4 version. Confusing. Also, a confession: I’ve never played a Final Fantasy game.
Maquette (PS4) – puzzle solving activity all based around perspective. Think object and terrain manipulation.
Remnant: From the Ashes (PS4) – a well regarded action role-playing game cross with a third-person shooter.
Farpoint (PS4) – token VR entry! Maybe a bit more than that, it’s a VR first-person shooter which received multiple ‘best VR game’ awards.
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